
Biggest regret at an old age

Biggest regret at an old agenot start a business :-
Many people spend their whole life in fun. And this i The biggest mistake they make.People do not start their business at the age of 17-18. They think that now is the age to study, why work now.Because they think that by studying, taking a job with a good will makes life better. but they’re wrong. Because when we work, we have no time for any other work.We do not get good money in jobs. we come home and sleep. And then we regret that I wish we had started our business. And he spends all his life regretting it.We all go away from this world too And not only this, our family also regrets the same thing that I wish my father had done business.not having a healthy / fit body :-At the age of 18, we all take care of our studies but we forget that we should also take care of our body. And we don’t do our food and drink properly.Because of which we are weak and do not even like to do anything. We are so foolish in our life that we do not even think that in future we may have problems.While we should take care of our body and maintain it. And in the old age, we regret that I wish I could maintain my body. And this is how we spend our whole lives.not spending much time with family :-In Teenage we spend a lot of time with friends or alone. We are busy in our life and in our work, we do not forget to live life.
We forget to have fun with our family, go out with our family, have dinner together.When we are with our family, we do not help them. And when we are away from them, we miss them and we also regret that I wish we had a good time with them.And we think I wish I should spend a better time with my mother and father.Biggest regret at an old age

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